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bathtime outdoors

this sweet little guy is my son emerson.  last summer we kept with tradition and gave emmie a bath on the cottage deck... in the little green basin all the grandchildren in the wood family have used over the years.

(in the very last frame you see emmie looking at a photo of his big sister in the tub when she was little)

the images are double exposures on kodak portra film shot on my uncles old minolta x700.  the images that bleed through are from my dad's property in guelph... where i grew up.


Reader Comments (2)

I absolutely adore these images. Beautiful work, and an incredible tribute to tradition and roots.

April 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterT

Beautiful Rebecca! I love the double exposure. xo

April 7, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermelanie

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